
A sacred artwork by Karan Vohra capturing the spirit of Chakratirtha Travels.

This beautiful composition is like an offering at an altar. In India, rice is used symbolically to denote the auspicious crossing of a threshold. The triple spiral has been created by arranging anklets - again auspicious and worn by dancers - in the form of our triple-spiral logo. Feel the energy drawing you!


  1. Karan sure is a talented artist! It combines the divinity of music and our rich culture in the form of anklets to the spirit. Beautiful indeed!

  2. @Shiv- Thanks for your comment .
    If I might say so myself there is definitely an energy associated with this image just as there is energy associated with the anklets.The concept of offering is so awesome.Me thinks that living our life and being aware of the wonderful things around us,the joy that small things can bring to us is an offering in its own accord.
    It was my imagination or destiny that led me to create this .I give credit to both and offcourse MOM :)

    1. Karan this perhaps is your first Kolam. It comes through with a whole lot of added meaning as I gaze upon it today. You have since been part of Pookkolam creations in college apart from the fun Rangoli competitions. If you notice each of these events has special symbolism related to crossing and bridging.

  3. An offering, no matter how simple, is a ceremony, and isn't ceremony something for which our modern lives are starved? This is especially true in the west though maybe increasingly so in the east too? The food of Karan's rice and the music of the anklets combine to spin nourishment back into our lives, even as they offer sustenance to the divine..... Maya one of your young friends in Kolkata taught me that taking care of God, through daily offerings of food and friendship, is a work of art; surely Karan's image sums that idea up as well?

    1. Kim it's wonderful that the connection with Pritha came full circle this Janmashtami and you could enjoy her Gopal all over again in his festive garb!

  4. This is so beautiful! I am sure I am going to enjoy exploring the unfathomable ocean that is our culture and philosophy. I am still a novice taking tentative steps to understand a drop of the ocean. Thanks for this virtual travel.

    1. A very warm welcome to the blog dear Zephyr! The ocean is so vast and deep that we all understand barely a drop or too. Thank you for sharing the voyage with us. We will learn from one another as we do from the universe. Much love!

  5. i would love to be a part of a group so spiritual and artistic, talented and very skilled, makes me feel that even i can do something good :)

    1. Thank you so much and welcome to the blog and to our venture!
      Your words are very encouraging to us. We are all on this journey together so be with us!

  6. i think 'chakra' meaning earth, time and space come beautifully in the concept !Tirtha is the journey around this chakra !life , knowledge, experience connecting ,one'tirtha with the another ,forming a chakra of sadbhavna and vishva prema !good luck to the Chakratirtha team ! connect and trive !

    1. A very interesting perspective! Thank you so much for commenting. Strangely, this comment was hidden from view. Weird are the ways of blogger :(
      Thank you for the good wishes! Hope you visit often.
